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Today i am going to tell you about the game Modern combat 5 : Blackout and why you will love to play it again and again angain.

The game was developed by Gameloft from  Bucarest (capital of Romania) and published by Gameloft in July 24, 2014 for windows 8.1, windows phone, iOS system and Android.

From the start have some good reviews. I mean just have a look at this:

Modern combat 5 blackout review

Modern combat 5 blackout review

They lowered the time it takes to complete the quests and made them more fun. In addition to that they inserted the ability to chose from 4 different  types of soldiers : Assault, Heavy, Sniper and Recon

Get free modern combat 5 apk now

Get free modern combat 5 apk now

In this FPS series you can create a squad, join your friends and test your tam skills against other squads in the multiplayer mode.

If you are the single player type, than you can make the campaign mode and do some short  quests.

Other than that, the gamplay in Blackout is some kind of similar to the other versions lunched in the past and also very similar to other competitor Call of Duty series and Counter Strike.

You can jump, crouch, run, fire in the hole with grenades, reload weapons, upgrade the weapons drop them and pick others, or simple buy others and of course you need internet connection to play it.

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